A dynamic mockup featuring two slightly tilted phones suspended in mid-air. Each phone displays a screen illustrating a distinct step within the HelloTech field service experience.


An arrow icon pointing down, symbolizing a downward direction or action. A dynamic mockup featuring two slightly tilted phones suspended in mid-air. Each phone displays a screen illustrating a distinct step within the HelloTech field service experience.

Overhauling the on-site field service experience for HelloTech's technician app redesign

Nov 2021 – Jun 2022

Overview — 001

Shifting paradigms

As a key member of a cross-functional team, I led the design of several end-to-end flows as part of the overhaul for HelloTech's technician app. We aimed to elevate the app from a simple transactional tool to a robust platform promoting customer relationships and repeat bookings. This redesign enhanced the entire user experience, introducing new features that add value for both technicians and the business.


Product Design
UX Research
Interaction Design
Design System

Design Team

Kareem Soliman (me) – Product Designer
Addison Smyth – Director, Product Design
Patrick Martin – Senior Visual Designer



My Role

Design Lead (Offers)


Nov 2021 – Mar 2022


Mobile, Native App

A close-up view of the top half of a phone. The screen displays the appointment selection screen from the HelloTech technician app.
A close-up view of the top half of a phone. The screen displays the job details screen for an in-progress job from the HelloTech technician app.
A complete view of a phone. The screen showcases the job offer details screen of the HelloTech technician app. The screen exhibits a map with the job location at the top, accompanied by a work order description underneath.
A visual spread featuring four phones, each displaying a distinct screen representing various steps in the field service process.
An animated clip illustrating a user navigating through the process of claiming a job offer within the HelloTech technician app

Streamlined job offers

We overhauled the job offer flow to provide technicians with critical information more rapidly. These changes allow them to accept job offers within their priority offer window more efficiently, improving order fulfillment rate.

Enhanced on-site job management

Through a combination of UX changes and backend updates, we overhauled the job management flow. We allowed for orders to be split at the service level, enabling partial job completion and reducing the need for support tickets to settle technician payouts.

New order creation function

To promote repeat business, we integrated a feature into the app that enables technicians to start new orders and secure immediate assignment upon successful bookings. This function, migrated from an external web app, also offers technicians the opportunity to earn commissions from the sale of products and memberships, advancing our goal of increasing LTV.

An animated clip depicting a user's progression through the on-site job flow within the HelloTech technician app.
An animated clip illustrating a user's step-by-step process of creating a new order within the HelloTech technician app.

Context — 002

Outdated app experience

HelloTech is a gig-economy platform that connects expert technicians with customers seeking smart-home services.

HelloTech's technician app is the core tool that underpins the day-to-day operations of technicians working on the platform. Through the app, technicians receive job offers, complete work orders, track payments, and manage their account. Despite its essential role to both technicians and the D2C business, the app remained largely unchanged since it’s launch in 2016, maintaining its limited feature set and design.

Problem  — 003

Job offers lacked clarity

Kicking off the app's redesign, user surveys and interviews quickly highlighted 3 key challenges technicians faced. While I had a hand in solving each, my primary focus was owning the end-to-end redesign of job offer flows, which not only initiate the field service experience but also serve as the technician's first touchpoint with the customer. Perfecting this was vital to improving the overall field service experience.

An icon resembling a receipt, representing financial transactions, purchases, or documentation.

Cumbersome job offers

Accepting a job offer was not as quick and intuitive of a process as technicians had hoped, and work orders were not informative enough.

An icon resembling a toolbox, signifying tools, resources, or a collection of items for a particular purpose.

Limited on-site job management

The current on-site job experience lacked the granularity needed to allow support teams to gain adequate visibility into a job's progress.

An icon depicting a handshake, symbolizing agreement, partnership, collaboration, or mutual understanding.

Missed business opportunities

The app primarily functioned as a transactional tool and didn't enable or encourage technicians to book repeat business with customers.

Research — 004

Understanding user challenges

In our quest to improve the job offer flow, we surveyed technicians to understand their priorities and daily routines. We recognized that an effective process needed to be quick, intuitive, and also provide technicians with the information necessary to make informed decisions when accepting jobs.


Understanding our users and their needs was fundamental to our approach. Here's a brief breakdown:

Primary User


Technicians rely on the app to receive job offers, manage their workflow, and interact with customers in their day-to-day field operations.

Secondary User


Customers indirectly benefit by requesting services and interact with technicians using the app to complete jobs in their home.


The key insights we uncovered influenced our design methodology  and informed our implementation of the product strategy moving forward.

An icon depicting a calendar with an 'x' mark on it, symbolizing cancellation, unavailability, or an inactive date.

Appointment selection lacked clarity

Technicians found it tricky to spot conflicts between appointment times and buffer periods. Essentially, the system lacked clear indicators separating actual job timings from buffer periods.

An icon resembling a briefcase, often associated with business, work, or professional tasks.

Need for a native job board

Technicians kept requesting an app-native job board for convenience as opposed to the makeshift web dashboard they used. This reflected the need for a more integrated, user-friendly experience within the app itself.

An icon showing a magnifying glass positioned above a list, representing search or exploration within a list of items.

Poor offer details readability

Technicians expressed the challenge of deciphering job locations solely based on ZIP code, making it hard to gauge the job's proximity. Additionally, the short duration of the priority window amplified the need for efficiently scanning vital job details.

An icon resembling a timer, suggesting time-based actions, countdowns, or time-sensitive operations.

No visibility into pending offers

The existing setup lacked a specific area for reviewing pending offers, and stacked on top of existing offers adding visual clutter. Moreover, there were no straightforward options for executing any necessary follow-up actions.

Opportunity — 005

Defining the problem

How might we streamline the job offer flows for technicians to swiftly evaluate and claim relevant jobs?

Many technicians expressed their frustration with the 5-minute priority window set for offers, which they felt was far too short. Although we couldn't change this due to business constraints, we felt that remedying the pain points laid out by technicians could significantly speed up and streamline the process.

Strategy — 006

Defining success

After identifying the key problems, we translated these challenges into actionable goals. This allowed us to focus on what we needed to achieve from both a user and a business perspective.

User goals

Improve usability

Improve the user experience by reworking core flows.

Surface relevant information

Provide easier access to job offers and work order information.

Reliability & performance

Improve overall app performance, making it responsive and reliable.

Business Goals

Increase LTV

Encourage repeat bookings by fostering customer relationships.

Increase fill rate

Boost fulfillment by streamlining job offers and introducing a job board.

Reduce unserviceables

Minimize unserviceable job rate by overhauling onsite job management.

Process — 007

Streamlining job offer flows

Kicking off the design process, I began by dissecting the existing job offer flow. Each step was scrutinized and iteratively refined, guided by an ongoing feedback loop with technicians through additional more in-depth surveys and several rounds of usability testing. Here are some of the top-level highlights of that process.

A diagram displaying the complete sequential flow for claiming offers, represented across five screens.

Revamping the job offers view through feedback

Guided by technician feedback, I reworked the job offer cards to make vital details more prominent. The page's visual hierarchy was reshaped based on the results of technician surveys, where they ranked the importance of various job details. Now, the job offer cards showcase key information more prominently — service SKUs with quantities, the earliest available appointment time, and the total number of times suggested by customers.

Addressing another key point of feedback, active priority offers now have a visually distinctive color-change, coupled with a persistent countdown timer visible throughout the entire job offer process.

A diagram illustrating the presentation of the job offers list in both the 'My Offers' and 'Job Board' sub-tabs, showcasing the distinct layouts for each within HelloTech's technician app..
A diagram showing the stack order for offer types within HelloTech's technician app. It lists the order as: priority offers (critical state), priority offers (warning state), and soonest expiring offer.

In the redesign, we introduced a Job Board tab, migrating offers from the original web dashboard for enhanced accessibility. With visibility in mind, we revamped the job offer list, emphasizing priority and soon-to-expire offers.

A diagram dissecting the redesigned job offer card, highlighting its components and emphasizing various states, including different visual cues for each state.

Bringing clarity to job offer details

I revamped the job offer details page to include an interactive map showcasing the job radius. This feature, introduced based on technicians' feedback, allows them to determine the approximate location of the job at a glance, all while safeguarding customers' information.

Further changes to the page layout made the job offer details cleaner and easier to read. I grouped work order details by service type and made customer responses stand out for quick scanning. The View Available Times button was turned into a more accessible floating action button that's easier to spot and use. I also added a countdown timer for priority offers that stays visible on the screen, so technicians can keep track of their priority window no matter where you are on the page.

A detailed diagram breaking down the entire offer details page within the HelloTech technician app, showcasing its various elements and functionalities.

Appointment selection overhaul

The appointment selection received an overhaul to not only show times blocked out by existing appointments but also details about those appointments, aiding technicians in deciding whether to accept the offer at hand. We also introduced a multi-select variant for certain job offers that require technicians to pick multiple time slots.

Other enhancements include a revamped date selector positioned at the top of the page, showcasing skipped days for clarity, and a more streamlined time display that solely presents available slots, thereby simplifying the selection process.

A comprehensive diagram dissecting the newly redesigned appointment selection screen within the HelloTech technician app. The diagram highlights and labels all associated components for clarity.

Expanding job offer flows and deeper integration

Embracing the redesign, we crafted a feature that empowered technicians to initiate reschedule requests within the app, effectively eliminating the need for tricky off-platform arrangements. To increase accessibility and context, we seamlessly integrated information about job offers and upcoming tasks directly onto the home page.

Additionally, the newly introduced view for pending offers offered a sleek layout, neatly categorizing offers by type, and significantly simplifying the process of reviewing and editing stand-by times. This complete overhaul of the platform underscores our commitment to boosting transparency and efficiency for technicians.

Impact — 008

Improved service outcomes

The launch of the new app wasn't without it's initial growing pains but once technicians settled in and we started to get data, we found that we moved the needle on many of our stated goals across the different touch points of the field service experience.

Life Time Value (LTV) increased
Slight increase
Life Time Value (LTV)
Avg. order volume increased
Avg. order volume
Unserviceable rate reduced
Unserviceable rate

Reflection — 009

Lessons learned

Redesigning HelloTech's technician app was both a new venture and a deep dive into the complexities of mobile UX. Had to deal with challenges and obscure details that never came up before like the complexities of data-fetching and loader states for a native mobile app. The stakes were high given the app's dependence on a stable internet connection and location services.

Also, making changes to an interface that users had become accustomed to added another layer of complexity. Overall, this project was a great learning opportunity for balancing technical constraints, user behavior, with business objectives.

Next Steps — 010

Expanding location-based features

Our vision for the evolution of the HelloTech technician app is to continue enhancing its usability and relevance to our users. Key among our upcoming initiatives is the addition of location features to the Job Board. We aim to introduce a map that showcases all job offers in a technician's vicinity, enabling them to understand their work opportunities better spatially.

Further, we are considering the integration of job bundling and the application of the tech tiering system, which will tailor the visibility of job board offers based on proximity. These advances will allow us to create an even more intuitive and user-centric tool for our technicians, further driving business growth.

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